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Data security

Learn about the Allchemist data security measures.

Written by Bine Ledinek
Updated over a week ago

We are a safe organization to do the business with

Allchemist is a part of BENS Consulting group which has been on the market since 1996 and has been trusted by more than 700 clients from 20 countries around the world. We are managing (material) safety data sheets of 35,000 products in 30 different languages on a monthly basis. Our clients sell their chemicals on more than 30 markets, mostly in the European Union.

We help you with personal, professional and fast access to essential information for the entire field of chemical regulatory compliance, whether it’s REACH, biocides, transport of dangerous goods, general issues or expert training and auditing.

BENS Consulting has regularly obtained the highest AAA international Bisnode certificate for business excellence. It’s also a proud owner of the Excellent SME Slovenia certificate issued by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce. Our business is structured transparently and reliably, giving you re-assurance that is a necessity in today’s competitive world.

Data Security

We take data safety seriously. We use a 2048 bit certificate and support the 128-bit bank-grade SSL encryption on every page, which means your data will always be protected.

We use nine layers of security:

  1. The server is located in Germany in a DIN ISO/IEC 27001 certified data center

  2. Regular updates and patching of the operating system

  3. Encrypted connection to Allchemist

  4. Encrypted formulation data

  5. Automatic login notifications

  6. Annual security auditing

  7. Optional formulation encryption

  8. User activity analytics

  9. “Privacy-first” policy

All of your formulations in the Allchemist are in an encrypted form.

Nobody else but you can see this part of the application. Even Allchemist administrators don’t have access to this part of your virtual laboratory.

Every document and every formulation created or uploaded to the application is set as private by default.

We regularly test our databases by professionals – who help banks keep data safe.

Privacy of my intellectual property

Every document and every formulation created or uploaded to the application is set as private by default.

Formulation data in the Allchemist is in an encrypted form. Nobody else but you can see this part of the application. Even Allchemist administrators don’t have access to this part of your laboratory.

In every step within Allchemist, you are in full control over the privacy of your work or added materials and formulations data. You are the one deciding with whom you’ll share your work or materials, which team members you’ll invite to the work group or billing account, and you will be the one who sets their access level and user rights.

However, once you’re ready to show your great products to the world, you can just share them.

Colleagues, partners and formulators all around the world will have your product at their fingertips.

Note: Our in-house chemical consultants will only see essential information required for the production of the (material) safety data sheet with the in-app order (M)SDS service. They will not see your full formulation! They will only see the chemical composition of the mixture regarding substances. You can always check and review information that will be sent to us to produce the ordered (M)SDS.

3rd party data sharing

We’ve been in business since 1995. Moreover, we know how important it is to keep all business information strictly confidential — otherwise, we wouldn’t be here anymore.

Your work is your property — always! We do NOT claim it in any shape or form, and we do NOT share it with 3rd parties.

By accepting Alchemist’s Terms and Conditions, a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) between user and us (Service Provider) is automatically effective. However, you can always send us your own NDA, and we’ll review it. You can send further questions regarding the safety of your Allchemist data and intellectual property at

Allchemist and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Allchemist team understands the rights and obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which took effect on May 25, 2018.

That’s why we have proudly and openly introduced all of our tools and processes to ensure our compliance with requirements from the GDPR and to help our customers comply as well.

What happens with my data if I stop using Allchemist?

We are sorry to hear this!

What we would appreciate is that you tell us what went wrong — so we can fix it and do a better job next time. Please leave your reasons here. We appreciate your help.

In case you decided to terminate your Allchemist subscription, you could do the following:

  1. Make copies of documents created in Allchemist:Save your product data as HTMLSave your product data as PDF documents.Save your product data as JSON files.

  2. Delete your products from Allchemist.

  3. Close the account.

This way you can be sure that nothing is left in the database, but you will be able to keep the documents.

Note: some information on your products will remain in the database. This applies to products that you shared with other users, and they keep them in their private lab. These products will me marked as deleted but the users will be able to open them for viewing.

These products will not be removed, because it would affect other users compliance with regulations. As you may know, Article 36(1) of REACH requires that: “1. Each manufacturer, importer, downstream user and distributor shall assemble and keep available all the information he requires to carry out his duties under this Regulation for a period of at least 10 years after he last manufactured, imported, supplied or used the substance or mixture”.

What is JSON?: JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs and array data types.

For further information regarding your data backup, please contact us here.

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