When you have one product under several product names/trademark names or have a different distributor for each of these product names, synonyms are the feature you should use.
Note: Synonym function is a great feature for cases where you have the same product (raw material or final product) under several commercial names or codes.
It allows you reformulating and editing (Material) Safety Data Sheets in bulk (a one-time action for all those products). This function also saves you additional costs as we do not charge additional (M)SDSs for the same product under several different names.
How to create synonyms?
On the first step Basic information of product edit (or when you are creating new formulation) there is additional option Enter product names, suppliers and codes function as shown below:
When you click on Enter product names, suppliers and codes you get the list of all your synonyms for this product. The first synonym on the list has always the same name and company as a product which you edit/created on Basic information. With a click on + add synonym, you create a new synonym.
Newly created synonym has a different name and a different supplier. You can set the new synonym as visible by clicking on the slide bar so it shows yes.
You can create as many synonyms as you want (We do not charge additionally for their creation nor their (M)SDSs). When you are done with creating and editing synonyms you need to save all changes with the click on Save Draft or Save and Continue buttons.
When you want to create synonym with the holder that you don’t have in your drop-down (Different company and address for each synonym SDS)
On the Holder drop-down on Basic information step, you write holder name and if the holder does not exist you get an option to create the new one.
You’ll get a warning for the user access. When you are creating a new holder click Yes, change.
After that, you get a pop-up where you can edit your Holder/Company name. Here you have to choose to which group that holder will be assign. This means that only users in this group will be able to choose this newly created holder for future products/synonyms.
Note: Newly created Holder will also change on the Basic information. If you compare the image below with the above ones, you’ll see that the Holder has changed from Bens to newly created Allchemist.
If you created a new Holder just for the new synonym, you need to change primary Holder back to your previous company in our example that would be from Allchemist to Bens.
Note: Besides changing the Holder you can also change the Technical contact email. It can happen that the option in the dropdown will still store the previous holder. If this happens, please click on the Save Draft button and then refresh the page in order to get the right options.
Note: Please be aware of the company in the first synonym. Holder company and supplier of the first synonym have to be the same. If not please change the company of the first synonym!
Now you can use the new company with the new synonyms as shown in the image below. We used a newly created Allchemist company with the new synonym named My new additive synonym 2.
After saving all changes that you have created on this product, you’ll be able to see the synonyms also on the front page (in your private lab). All synonyms should have the same SDS, except product names and different suppliers.
You can see the example on the image below for synonym My new additive synonym 2.
Supplier information can be viewed on 1.3.1 section (Supplier), you can also see that the company logo is on the right side of the SDS. All this information about the company can be added on Company admin function.
You can read more on the Company admin here.