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6. step: Files & Recommendation

Learn all about the 6th step of the formulation process.

Written by Bine Ledinek
Updated over 5 years ago

In this step, you can attach additional files and enter further information about your product.

Under Recommendation you can add some further information about your product, like recommended use, levels etc. This way you can describe your product in greater detail.

You can attach documents like technical or safety data sheets in a “physical” PDF form, photos, brochures, catalogues or anything you like.

To each uploaded file you can add the following attributes:

  • Description

  • Language

  • Category

  • Access level

File description is basically the name of a product. Description will be displayed within the application instead of the filename.

The language of the file represents the language of the text in a file. This could be helpful in case when you want to know the language of the file without downloading and opening the file. It could be very frustrating when you download the file and open it just to learn that it’s in a language you don't understand. This attribute prevents such situations.

The file category has the same function as the file language. You can choose among various categories, like technical data sheet, safety data sheet, label, brochure, the photo of the surface, etc. This enables you to quickly sweep through the attachments without downloading and opening them.

By setting the level of access to files, you decide who can see your attachments.

Levels of access include:

  • Private (default) – nobody, except you, can see private documents;

  • Public – registered Allchemist users can see your documents;

  • Customer – customers can access documents that have access level set to “customer”;

  • Key customer – Key customer can access documents that have access level set to “key customer”;

  • Distributor – distributor can access documents that have access level set to “distributor”;

  • Internal – internal can access documents that have access level set to “internal”;

If you set the level of access to private, you will be the only one who can see this file in Allchemist. However, if you set it to the public, everyone – all registered Allchemist users – will be able to see the file.

After uploading the level of access is set to private. This way we ensure that you are in control of the access to your documents.

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